QUIZ: Have you internalised capitalism?

Welcome to this quiz in which you’ll find out how much you’ve unconsciously adopted the wonderful values and beliefs of capitalism - from the pursuit of personal wealth to materialism, judging your self-worth on productivity, or demonising rest. Let’s go!

1.     When did you last do something for fun?

A. I guess this quiz. Is this going to be fun? I don’t have much time.

B. Went for networking drinks which was fun, until I was cornered by a dude trying to sell me his “Milk The Cow” app idea.

C. I’m building a miniature 3D greenhouse in the evenings. It’s so much fun!

2.    How do you rest?

A. Rest is overrated. But maybe I could rest once I’ve completed all my tasks and compared myself to all my friends and can claim the status of highest-achiever amongst them.

B. I reward myself with high-quality rest after completing tasks. I like to do a bit of Duolingo and a cheeky Wordle (you’re such a Meghan, sorry) to keep those brain cells going.

C. I rest like there’s no tomorrow and pleasure is my second name. Even if I have to lock myself in the bathroom or in the car from the rest of my family, I will claim what’s mine - and that’s the right to rest.

3.    Are you productive?

A. I’m glad you ask! I have a full-time job and three side hustles and I volunteer for 5 organisations. I’m also training for a marathon and growing my own organic vegetables in the garden. Does that count as productive?

B. I think so… I can’t work as much as I did when I was younger, but I still do my best to progress my career and develop my personal interests, stay fit and grow spiritually.  Is that enough?

C. Why do you care? Ask me something more meaningful, like how well I feel today or how fulfilling my relationships are. Why are you banging on about productivity?

4.    What’s your worth?

A. My worth = money + more money + external success + designer garb. Obvs.

B. My worth = being hard-working + pursuing my dreams + having a better life than my parents did

C. My worth = contentment + good health + nourishing relationships

5.    And finally, how’s your health?

A. As long as I can work, I don’t care.

B. It’s up and down, my energy levels fluctuate and it’s so frustrating to have to slow down because I need to work and push my projects forward.

C. It’s ok now, a health scare opened my eyes to the fact I was prioritising work over health. But I’m taking care of myself now.

Now count your A, B and C answers and let’s see your result…

Mostly A

Honey, you’re stuck. You’ve internalised capitalism big time, and I know you won’t agree with me – ‘it’s just who you are’ – but I can smell the forthcoming burnout from a mile off. It’s great that you’re diligent and focused, but let me tell you something – you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You don’t have to prove anything to yourself. You’re enough, just as you are.

Mostly B

Your awareness around things that don’t serve you is increasing, but you still find it hard to slow down. You’re afraid of the judgement of others, not having anything to post on Instagram, and being forgotten the minute you die because you didn’t have world-changing achievements. But here’s the truth – many of us are struggling in silence. So if you open up, you might be surprised how many others share your struggles.

Mostly C

Congratulations, you flipped the bird at capitalism and you’re a jolly fellow. As long as you’re actually independent and not living with your parents (unless you’re a Genzetter figuring things out) email me how you made it happen because I’m still stuck with Mostly B!


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